POSCO Group Leadership Training System
To prepare for a rapidly changing future and business environment, POSCO Group provides competency training for its employees to fulfil their roles.
POSCO Group University provides customized leadership training courses for each rank based on a systematic leadership pipeline to foster future leaders of POSCO Group.
Entrepreneurial Development Course to Proactively Strengthen Business Knowledge and Leadership for Prospective Managers
This course cultivates prepared prospective managers through essential business knowledge, leadership assessment, and self-awareness. It nurtures key talents through tasks like new business item discovery based on entrepreneurial spirit and business plan creation.
New and Promoted Employee Training for Understanding Changed Roles and Successful Onboarding
This training helps new appointees and promotees understand their new roles, securing necessary management capabilities and enhancing leadership for their job performance.
The Foundation of Global POSCO Begins with Global Talents…
To enhance the management performance of 163 overseas subsidiaries in 55 countries as of 2023,
POSCO Group University supports the education of overseas expatriates and local employees.
The Beginning and End of POSCO Group Global Talent Cultivation, Expatriate Development
Training is provided from before the assignment until the return, covering the start and end of overseas duties.

We conduct pre-assignment expatriate training for local settlement and performance management capability enhancement and during-assignment expatriate training for job expertise and career strengthening.
True Protagonists of Global POSCO, Global Staff Development
We are focused on nurturing local global staff who will drive the growth of overseas subsidiaries.
We operate programs like the P.A.L program to foster management philosophy and leadership, specialized programs for job expertise enhancement, workshops for organizational performance management and problem-solving capability strengthening, and workshops for respecting diversity.
*P.A.L: A name summarizing the program's intent to boost Pride, Appreciation, and Loyalty among overseas employees.
Career Support/Self-Directed Learning
POSCO Group actively supports self-directed learning,
enabling employees to grow according to their needs and goals, accessible anytime, anywhere.
Learning Platform
The multi-learning platform, based on AI, serves as an online learning hub. It analyzes individual growth goals, learning characteristics, and areas of interest, providing education through AI curation.
Ongoing Learning Content
Customized learning content is offered in various forms, such as short-form content, e-books, audiobooks, MOOCs, and 3D/VR content.