New Collar System to systematically cultivate DX skills,
essential competencies to grow as a professional in a changing work environment
Four levels of digital competency enhancement education are provided online and offline, linked to promotion and incentive systems.
Since 2020, POSCO Group has introduced the New Collar system to support its members in becoming experts with domain knowledge and digital competencies.
Creating a Safety Culture Based on Human Respect and Prioritizing Safety
POSCO Group prioritizes employee safety and is committed to fostering a mature safety culture.
As an industrial safety and health education institution certified by the Ministry of Employment and Labor, POSCO Group University supports enhancing employees' safety and health competencies and actively promotes the cultivation of safety experts.
Providing Statutory Occupational Safety and Health Training
Education at the time of recruitment and regular safety and health training for managers and supervisors are conducted, with internal and external instructors providing practical and case-based lectures.

Experiential education such as accident experience VR and CPR training is implemented for accident prevention and rapid response.

Customized Safety Training and Systematic Safety Education for Cultivating Safety Experts
A four-tiered education system is operated for all employees, focusing on spreading a safety mindset, fostering safety leadership, enhancing safety technical competencies, and cultivating safety experts.

Especially for Process Safety Management (PSM) expert development, various courses (PSM instructor, accident investigation, safety education instructor training, etc.) are introduced to proactively respond to major industrial accidents and strive to produce safety instructors and experts.
Technical Training Aimed at Developing Global Top Facility Experts,
the Foundation of POSCO Group's Equipment Competitiveness
POSCO Group University's technical training is composed of excellent instructors with the best training equipment and field experience in Korea and abroad.
It provides systematic and specialized mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation education to cultivate world-class technical experts.

Education is offered in "Regular Standard Courses" designed according to individual technical growth systems and "Customized Courses" set up according to learners' needs, such as instructors, locations, times, learning content, and educational content.

· TL (Technician Level) technical education for systematic and specialized job competency Re/Up-Skilling of employees.
· Advanced Maintenance Skills Training for Facility Experts through the Facility Management Master/Jr. Master/Basic program, selecting outstanding employees.
· AtoZ and MOL (Maker's Open Lecture) for nurturing Specialists with specialized maintenance skills, from basics to advanced.
· Basic Maintenance Training for Operating Staff for systematic inspection and maintenance knowledge enhancement.
· Peer learning platform to foster a knowledge-sharing culture among employees (I Want to Learn & I Want to Teach).
Become a POSCO Field Problem Solving Expert!
The key to POSCO's continuous selection as the world's most competitive steel company (by World Steel Dynamics) since 2010 lies in its exceptional on-site problem-solving capabilities.
POSCO Group University educates employees in equipment understanding and operation capabilities, supports innovation activities to discover and improve field waste, and contributes to maintaining robust manufacturing sites.
It utilizes POSCO's unique problem-solving methodology (Quick Six Sigma) and actively cultivates on-site problem-solving experts to create a safe and efficient production environment.
Consulting Support for Establishing an Educational System for New Growth Business Companies
POSCO Group, as a leading eco-friendly material company, is expanding its activities into areas like eco-friendly steel materials without carbon emissions, secondary battery materials for electric vehicles, and hydrogen energy business.
Successful leadership in these new businesses requires capacity-building education for employees taking on new roles, necessitating a new job training system.
POSCO Group University provides consulting services for establishing educational systems within the group's business companies.

Currently, the focus is on enhancing employees' capabilities in the secondary battery materials business, with plans to refine the methods for establishing education systems suitable for POSCO Group, extending support to various types of business companies.